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Woah. You found Jack's super secret 1:1 SAT/ACT tutoring page.
You must know people.
Over the past 7 years, Jack has tutored over 10,000 hours, over 600 students, helped 8 of them achieve perfect scores, and helped propel record improvement of 12 points on the ACT and 440 on the SAT.
DiscoverCore's primary mission took him outside of the testing world, but he still dedicates some time to a very select roster of 1:1 ACT/SAT students each year.
Students get...
Weekly or bi-weekly sessions of 1 or 1.5 hours
4 to 18 months of 1:1 mentorship
As many practice tests as they can complete
A cognitive assessment to determine ACT v SAT
Access to 4 online learning platforms
Industry leading guidebooks as needed
A digital writing tablet
A shared digital whiteboard
An expert guide (Jack) who helps them evolve their identity as a learner, their approach to problem solving, and their essential college skills. Because dominate score improvements are just a byproduct.
Sessions are virtual, and his rate is $200/hr. No start up fees, no material costs. If you'd like to connect with Jack to see if your student would be a good fit, contact him personally at
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